We are committed to serving the community around us, and we want to be a place for you and your family to grow and flourish. It is our desire to create an environment and events that will enable you to experience the love of God, learn more about God's grace, and live your life with purpose. To LOVE, LEARN, and LIVE.
Show genuine love and concern for people. Welcome all people, no matter who they are or where they are from.
God hears and answers prayer, in the church, in the family, and by the individual believer.
We want to glorify God through worship, service, and obedience in both personal and corporate worship.
To teach, train and equip followers of Jesus to become mature in faith and every good work, and help people discover their gifts and abilities in order to serve God and their fellow man.
To make the best use of God's resources, and give generously with selfless contributions of time, talent, and treasure.
We are a growing Christian family, united by joy, acceptance, encouragement, love, and healthy relationships.